Time and Stress Management Course
100% Bonus Course for companies
Don't stop the clock
We have multiple obligations and tasks, and despite our dedication, time is sometimes insufficient. This causes us a feeling of lack of control and stress.
In this course we help you manage it and give you techniques that will improve, in a short time, your quality of life.
In this course you will learn:
- To become aware of the importance of proper administration and time management
- Better manage stress at work
- To develop skills that enhance your ability to obtain greater job satisfaction and performance
- To adapt time management to your specific objectives, as well as an appropriate control of your level of tension and stress
The Time and Stress Management course lasts 20 hours , divided into the following modules:
1. Time Management
1.1.1. Definition
1.1.2. Benefits of effective time management
1.1.3. Productivity and Procrastination:
- Pomodoro Technique
- Quick Wins Technique
- Effort Benefit Matrix
- Matrix Purpose Benefit
2. Productive time management:
1.2.1. The Three Wise Men: Planning, Organization and Order
1.2.2. SMART goal setting
1.2.3. Woop method
1.2.4. ALPEN method: Better organize your work time
1.2.5. The importance of routines
1.2.6. Habit development
3. Identification and quantification of time thieves (internal and external):
1.3.1. Types of time thieves
- Time Tracking: Applications that help you measure your time
- Laws of time
- How to integrate email with GTD
- Use and management of the telephone
- How to hold productive meetings
- Assertiveness in time management: Knowing how to say NO
- Delegation of tasks
4. Time management tools:
1.4.1. Stephen Covey's Time Management Matrix
1.4.2. How to set priorities
1.4.3. Mind Map
5. Time management in a project
2.1. Stress
2.1.1. What do we understand by stress?
2.1.2. Types of stress: Stress, Eustress and Distress
2.1.3. Stressors:
2.1.4. Symptoms of stress
2.1.5. Psychophysical effects of stress at work and in personal life.
2.1.6. Stress curve
2.2. Tools for coping and managing stressful situations
2.3. Stress prevention
* The course syllabus can be adapted to the needs of the company in case of enrollment of more than 10 students per course.
Profesionales que por su gestión laboral necesitan de un método de productividad personal para dejar espacio en la mente para la creatividad y la innovación y personas que necesiten conciliar su vida personal y laboral.
La dinámica formativa, para empresas que matriculen más de 10 alumnos, parte de un estudio previo, en el cual se analizan aquellas áreas que requieren un mayor refuerzo. El análisis previo nos permite emplear en la acción formativa casuísticas reales de la empresa cliente.
Aimed at individuals and companies, eAlicia University, is a platform for studying online specific content related to customer service in all its areas, such as customer management through different channels, management and supervisory leadership of a Contact Center or the personal development skills and professional effectiveness necessary to occupy a prominent position in the sector.
The main objective is to provide quality and professional elearning training that allows anyone to specialize in different topics related to customer service.
eAlicia University is an elearning platform, practical and simple to use. The courses can be followed from any device during the contracted period.
After receiving the access codes by email, you will be able to connect to the platform and enjoy the specific contracted content.
You will have access to the necessary functionalities to carry out the course or courses to which you are enrolled.
It is not necessary to have a high computer level to take the course. Each course is structured in different topics, where you will find the training content and the relevant evaluation tests.
In addition, you will have access to your notes and file with the history of all the courses.
On the screen, you will see the list of registered courses, as well as a brief explanation and the progress status of each one.
Companies that contract eAlicia University will have added customization options.
To receive the access codes to the enrolled courses, it will be necessary to make the payment.
The forms of payment that we have available are credit or debit cards (Visa, Mastercard and Maestro) or through your UnionPay card. And just by providing us with your email we will activate the possibility of paying by bank transfer or deposit into account!
The payments made are totally safe. Your bank details are transmitted directly to the banks' collection platforms, without eAliciaUniversity or third parties accessing sensitive information at any time.
Each time you enter the shopping cart, you access a secure page to guarantee the confidentiality of all data and payment methods. This process can take a few seconds.
All prices have VAT included.
For companies that wish to purchase more than 10 courses or extend the access time to the platform, they will be able to check the discounts in the shopping cart.
The data for the issuance of invoices must be completed in the form that appears after accepting the shopping cart.
Companies will be able to access other payment methods if they are already clients through the email info@ealiciauniversity.com
Online content of the contracted course / s
- Content developed by professionals in the sector in Spain
- Entirely content in Spanish
- Minimum period to study: 2 months
- Access allowed from any mobile device with internet access
- Access allowed 365days 24h
- Personalized access keys for each user or student
- Access codes for tutor, in case of being a company
- It allows to view the progress of the students in the enrolled courses (connection time, last date ...)
- Knowledge assessment exams
- Customization options for businesses
- Online support
- Accrediting Diploma
The start of the Training Action for the participants will depend on the type of training contracted.
The sending of the access credentials will be:
- For eLearning training : from five working days after hiring (without FUNDAE Management).
- In the case of 100% Bonus eLearning training (Exclusive training for companies) - 12 days before the start of the course (for Companies with a Committee at least 15 days in advance, according to the legislation).
The FUNDAE Bonus Management is included in the price.